Home » Rhine Wine & Dine Tour in Duitsland

April 10, 2018

Rhine Wine & Dine Tour in Germany

Embark on an unforgettable journey with Zeelander Yachts as we take you through an exclusive Rhine Wine & Dine Tour in Germany. In this unique event, 30 privileged guests, accompanied by five Zeelander Z44 yachts, experienced the epitome of luxury, comfort, and performance. Join us as we delve into the highlights of this extraordinary voyage, where the Dutch craftsmanship of Zeelander Yachts met the picturesque landscapes and delectable wines along the German River Rhine.

Cruising in Style:
De Rhine Wine & Dine Tour toonde de ongeëvenaarde vaarmogelijkheden van Zeelander-jachten, met een opmerkelijke gecombineerde afstand van meer dan 400 kilometer. Met een gemiddelde snelheid van 30 knopen gleden de Zeelanders moeiteloos door de wateren van de Rijn, waardoor een soepele en probleemloze reis werd gegarandeerd voor onze gewaardeerde gasten. Dit evenement toonde niet alleen de uitstekende prestaties van de jachten, maar benadrukte ook hun betrouwbaarheid, waardoor ze de ideale keuze zijn voor veeleisende jachtenthousiastelingen.

Exquisite Dining and Local Wines:
As the Zeelanders made their way up the German River Rhine, guests were treated to a culinary experience like no other. Indulging in exquisite local wines and gourmet delights, the Rhine Wine & Dine Tour perfectly blended luxury yachting with the rich culinary offerings of the region. Imagine savoring the finest wines against the backdrop of stunning German scenery, creating memories that last a lifetime.

Private Event Extravaganza:
This event was a first-of-its-kind private gathering for Dutch Zeelander owners, fostering a sense of community among like-minded individuals who appreciate the finer things in life. The intimate setting allowed for networking, sharing experiences, and creating lasting connections, all while surrounded by the opulence of Zeelander Yachts and the beauty of the German landscape.

Why Choose Zeelander:
Zeelander Yachts have long been synonymous with sophistication, craftsmanship, and innovation. The Rhine Wine & Dine Tour underscored the brand's commitment to providing yacht enthusiasts with an unmatched combination of luxury and performance. Whether you are a seasoned yachtsman or a first-time buyer, Zeelander Yachts offer an exclusive experience that goes beyond the ordinary.

The Zeelander Rhine Wine & Dine Tour in Germany was a testament to the brand's dedication to delivering exceptional yachting experiences. From the seamless cruising along the Rhine to the indulgent dining and local wine tasting, every aspect of this event exemplified the luxury and class associated with Zeelander Yachts. If you seek a yachting experience that transcends expectations, Zeelander Yachts is undoubtedly the epitome of maritime excellence