Wester Engh 980
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Van Vossen 777 Tornado
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Zodiac Pro 550
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Sell your yacht

Selling a yacht is as much an emotional decision as it is a financial one.
Your boat is a very treasured possession, this is your outlet to escape the daily grind. How do we know that? Because we share the same passion.

The sales process proceeds as follows.

Free, no-obligation appraisal over the phone.

You will receive tailored advice from us and we will explain exactly what we will do and what the costs will be.

We will now get to work to make the best presentation of your boat using professional photographers, drone photos/videos and a comprehensive list of options. Because without great images and comprehensive information, you won't sell your boat.

We are going to offer the boat to our wide network and we will advertise your boat on multiple online platforms/forums this depends on what type of boat it is.

Sale and completion. If you are satisfied with the offer, we draw up the contract of sale. Settlement takes place via an escrow service (third-party account). Finally, we ensure that the completion takes place without a hitch.

We also take care of negotiations with buyers, viewings, and legal and financial processing.

Request a call

Totally free no-cure no pay.